For Emergencies Dial 911
Dispatch: (918) 338-4001
Jail: (918) 332-4011
Office: (918) 332-4000
611 SW Adams Blvd.
Bartlesville, OK 74003

Jail & Inmate Information

Inmate Visitation

Phone Visitation

Each inmate will receive one 15 minute visit each calendar Month at no charge, visitors will need to come to the Sheriff's Office front Lobby on a Saturday or Sunday. The inmate will be responsible for scheduling this visit.

Video Visitation

city tele coin

All Visitation services are provided by City Tele Coin.

Inmates are granted one 10-minute visitation per day. Visitors must be on the approved list and follow visitor guidelines.

To register for a direct pay account visit

After your account has been created you can download the City Tele Coin app from iTunes or Google Play.

To video chat and send emails using the app or the City Tele Coin website, select the facility to set up a remote account for the inmate.

In House Visitation

Inmates are allowed one free in house visit every 30 days. Additional visits are $10 per visit. All in house visits must be scheduled in advance. Inmate visits are no-contact.

Must schedule your visit by calling 918-337-2800.

Visits are limited to 15 minutes in length

Inmates may have only 2 visits per weekend: one for Saturday and one for Sunday

Only one (1) person and one (1) child may visit. (not more than one adult)

Hands are to be washed in the lobby bathroom prior to visit

Hand sanitizer will be used prior to visiting

Visitors are not allowed in the lobby until five (5) minutes prior to their scheduled visitation time.

No electronic devices (cell phones) are allowed in the visitation room

Keys and wallet are all that is allowed in the lobby

Photo ID will have to be presented prior to the scheduled visit

No property items for inmates will be accepted during visitation. An inmate's visitation privileges may be suspended for rule violations or facility security without notification to the visiting party. Visitors must have valid identification with them at the time of each visit.

Inmate Mail Policy

All incoming and outgoing mail must have First and Last name and full address of both the sender and the recipient on the envelope. Mail is scanned and sent to inmate electronically.

Inmate mail may be sent to:

Washington County Sheriff's Office
Inmate's Name
611 SW Adams Blvd.
Bartlesville, OK. 74003

Inmates may also receive items sent from 3rd parties

Persons who have been incarcerated in this detention center will not be allowed to correspond with any inmate for a period of six months after their release date. If you wish to correspond with currently incarcerated inmates it must be approved by the Detention Center Administrator.

Normal mail rules still apply, and content violation may prevent delivery of the item to the inmate.

Prohibited material include:

  • Racy or pornographic images
  • Pictures or descriptions of illegal activities
  • Pictures or descriptions of self-defense tactics, locksmith instructions, escape techniques, or similar material deemed hazardous by correctional staff.
  • Pictures or descriptions of the use or manufacture of firearms, explosives, or other weapons.
  • Drugs or biohazards on the envelope or contents.
  • Threatening or violent content.

Inmate Commissary & Web Deposits

tiger commissary

Inmate Commissary and Web Deposits are handled by Tiger Correctional Services

Commissary orders must be completed by Wednesday evening before 4:00PM.

Money orders are not accepted. All money sent to an inmate can be safely and securely added through web deposits. Use your credit card or debit card from anywhere. If you would like to use cash or debit/credit card, you can use the Tiger kiosk in the lobby or online.

Money left in the commissary account when an inmate is released may be obtained only by the inmate, upon release.

To send a web deposit or purchase commissary for an inmate at Washington County Jail, click one of the links below. Choose the inmate